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Sorry guys, Anthony here i was on a short vacation away from the site but now i am back and in action.  Shayn did a perfect job while i was gone didnt he?

Cause for war?
According to reports by MSNBC, the claim of WMD's were exaggerated by the Bush administration. Every effect of the war in Iraq has been proved so far, except of course the price of oil that has dropped steadily. Worldwide, terrorist actions have increased with recent attacks n Saudi Arabia. Now the administration is banging the war drums in Iran thinking Iran will be as easy to take down as Iraq was which is not the case. The Iranian millitary ie better trained, better equipped, and more numerous than their Iraqi counterparts. Reports of meetings of the cabinet stated that while reviewing what to present to the U.N for the case for war, Secretary of State Colin Powell said "I can't read this" and "this is bull****." Was there really any need for the loss of thousands of lives over some over-exaggerated facts?
